Il sogno del fauno

The dream of the faun

Terracotta, 2006, cm 137x48x33

Solstizio d’estate

Summer solstice

Terracotta, 2006, cm 85x46x31

L’albero della vita

The tree of life

Terracotta, 2004, cm 245x80x58

Torso inglese

Torso English

Terracotta, 2005, cm 82x70x43

Paesaggio piegato

Landscape folded

Terracotta, 2004, cm 106x27x36

L’eco dell’angelo

The echo of the angel

Terracotta, 2003, cm 110x30x19

Figure e fioritura

Figures and flowering

Painted terra-cotta, 2003, cm 201x5x43



Polychrome Terracotta, 2003, cm 115x53x38

La scogliera di Saffo

The cliffs of Sappho

Polychrome Terracotta, 1998, cm 104x183x89

Nella terra dell’Esperos

In the land of the Esperos

Terracotta, 1997, cm 87x108x35